Mr Max Gibbons MA, FRCS
- Practice telephone number: 01865 307527
- Max is a specialist in Orthopaedic Oncology and Hip and Knee Surgery
- Appointed in 1996 at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre and has orthopaedic clinics at the
Churchill Hospital (Oxford), Newbury Hospital and the Manor Hospital (Oxford)
- The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre is an internationally acclaimed institution for specialist surgery
- The orthopaedic oncology unit is one of five in the UK, which has NSCAG status
- Undertook his training at the University of Oxford and the Royal London Hospital
- Following qualification he trained in orthopaedic surgery in Bath, Birmingham and Oxford,
followed by fellowship in knee surgery in Lyon, France and orthopaedic oncology fellowship
in Washington
- His main interests are in hip and knee reconstruction surgery and orthopaedic oncology